Welcome to Ham Spanker

A Web page devoted to holding Amateur Radio Operators accountable for bad operating practice.

On 9-26-04 at about 8:05 pm PDT on 28.400 USB in Snohomish County Washington K5IN, W2ZT, KF7T and KD7GWM (KH6HB) where having a conversation on this frequency. Apparently K5IN said the "F" word on the air. The FCC supposedly received recording of the intercepted conversation and sent K5IN a warning letter. K5IN responded by apparently going to the complainant's place of employment (ICOM America) and supposedly got the person fired. Rather than act like an adult and just take and accept responsibility for his behavior he apparently took pride in getting even with the person who turned him in. Listen to the recording and decide for yourself was K5IN in violation?

FCC Warning Letter that was sent to K5IN

Intercepted Recording

-----Original Message-----
From: (address removed)
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:04 PM
To: danderso@fcc.gov
Cc: (email address removed)
Subject: Inappropriate transmission

Tonight I was having a conversation with (complainant name removed) on the (call removed) repeater on (frequency removed) MHz. A station asked for a break and I invited him to make a call. That station, W2ZT then began to berate (complainant call removed) and call him all kinds of names. He also said something to the effect of "this is war, and you can't win". He then threatened to seek to have (complainant call removed) removed from his job. (Complainant call removed) simply said that he didn't want to argue and signed off of the frequency.

I don't know if there is a defacto violation in this transmission by W2ZT, but it certainly was a long way from good amateur practice.

Can you do anything about this event?

(Call removed)



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